Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I should really be heading to bed.

Just making a few more notes for future use.

2-3 feet in height won't nearly be enough.  It'll probably have to be 12, with 2-3 car batteries.  Fucking hell this is going to cost a LOT.  Remember next time at the store to measure the height of a hula hoop and get a price estimate.  Also, more extension cord.  Holy fuck.

Measure voltage of car batteries.  200 Amps was the estimate.  How accurate is that?

Also weight.  Jesus this is going to be annoying.  And heavy.

Try and find some super lightweight aluminum framing too.


Also duct tape...  6 rolls?  Enough to start.

This had better fucking work.  Better start calculating just in case.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bluh Bluh Huge Trends and Fancy Suits

OK so it's been a while since I wrote anything of particular substance so here's a different idea of his origins: reoccurring mythos, otherwise known as a trendy story.

This idea basically says "So, what if He isn't something sparked from Something Awful, but rather something rekindled?"  All in all, it's a fairly useless distinction, since he's here now and everything, but who knows.

So, basically, what this means is that The Phenomena is a 'story as old as time itself' more or less.  He's a being who his essentially a myth, and therefore a god.  And if this is true, well, yeah.  Good luck fighting a god, guys.  I'll just be over here, writing like a tool.

OK, back on track.  So yeah, He's got a lot of similarities to a lot of figures in myth.  And the reoccurring myth idea can make a lot of sense, since it seems his 'style' is very modern.  I mean, what sort of paranormal entity wears a fucking suit?

OK rambling a bit here but go with me.  The suit has to mean that either this theory is true, that the 'He was created by SA' theory is true, or the 'He is one clever sunofabitch' theroy is true.  Here's the reasons why.

If the reoccurring mythos theme is true, the suit is proof in that it shows that He adapts to the time period.  I doubt He was wearing that suit in previous incarnations of His story.  He was probably wearing clothing more time period appropriate (probably still in an upper-class fashion).

If the SomethingAwful theory holds true, then the suit is literally part of Slendy, and I don't think He'll ever be rid of it.  The same as His facelessness and His thinness, the suit is part of what He is.

And then there's the theory that He's a lot smarter than we think He is, and the suit is all part of some well-crafted plot to get under our skin and mess up our resolve.

OK so yeah this whole suit business is pretty useless in the short term, but for decades in the future...

Alright that's a really depressing line of thought and I'm going to stop that now.  Back to reoccurring mythos.

Sadly, this means The Phenomena will never die.  Just fade into obscurity until one person, at some point, has his creative genes flare up in a burst of unholy energies and otherworldly douchefuckery and this all happens again.

Of course, this also gives us a means to combat Him.  Just pull a Fahrenheit 451 and start destroying all evidence and stories about him.

Yeah OK this is a really depressing topic but, I mean, that's all there is to say about it.  There's not a lot we can do against Him anyway.  Anyhow, next time I'll mention the different realms of perception and why we're all boned even harder.  Yaaaaay.

Oh yeah, I guess I'll weigh in on all this new Sage nonsense for all my adoring fans...

Considering the other six Sages are either dead, crazy, or Maduin, maybe it was time for the titles to be handed down?  I really don't know anything about these three, but they seem confident, kind, and non-psycho enough?  I'll have to read their blogs...  Sigh.  Even more reading.  Oh well.

Alright, take care guys.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oh Shit

That uncertain feeling of being stalked.

That oppressive vibe in the air.

Everyone acting odd and unlike themselves, as though they were shells of their former selves.

That looming sensation of death and madness.


Yep.  Finals week.  Bluh.

Friday, May 6, 2011

OK another short post had an idea

Necessary Materials:

-A lot of hula-hoops.  Like, a shit ton.  Enough to equal roughly half my size.  Maybe a third.
-Extension cord?  Wire?  Something flexible, conductive, and long.  Like, 100 feet?  Something like that.  Dammit Physics major, get your head in the game.
-A car battery.
-Lightweight aluminum framing, perhaps.

Won't say the idea.  Can only say I thought of it while reading someone else's blog archives and it was kind of something that person didn't want others doing.  It's too great of an idea though.  Maybe.

A cookie to the person who can guess what I want to make.  Scorn to those who fail.

There's going to have to be a lot of testing before I can figure out if this is something I can feasibly try or if it will actually do anything.  Having access to a shit ton of sensors and crap in physics labs should make that not even a problem though.

Of course, this means I'll actually have to go out and find Him.  That's a bridge I have no wish to cross yet.  My life is enough of a mess without Him fucking it up.

Blah blah other stuff whatever.  Take care guys.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stray Thought

Only time for a quick post this time.  Finals week is brutal etc, etc.

I feel like I'm delving in Maduin's realm a little here with this idea, but I was thinking about how people with delusional misidentification syndromes ( would fare with seeing Him face to... not face.  Would they refuse to believe that it is really Him and just think it was someone disguised to look like Him?  What would that do to Him (assuming the Tulpa Effect, as usual)?

On a completely 'unrelated' note, Scrubs in an awesome show.  A cookie to the person who can remember the episode that sparked this idea.

Take care guys.