Name: Irrelevant. Overmatter is sufficient.
Areas of knowledge: Physics, Pedagogy, Mathematics, Comedy, Gaming, Odds n Ends.
Age and other biographical information: Still irrelevant.
Prior experience with the Phenomena: None. Will discuss is a future post.
Lore analyzed to completion (or current standing):
Marble Hornets, EverymanHYBRID/Can You See The Words, Just Another Fool, Tribe Twelve, The Tutorial, A Really Bad Joke.
Currently analyzing:
Let Us Keep Living, Believe What You See, Breeze in Monochrome NIGHT.
Future analysis:
Anything else here, more or less:
What this is a general look at theories relating to the Phenomena (others know it as Him, others as his true name (whatever that means)). To spare the chance of infection, blah blah the Phenomena etc. What I'm mostly going to discuss here are implications to His existence, the ideas behind the Tulpa Effect, and ways of dealing with the Phenomena. While this blog might seem self-indulgent and pointless, I'm truly going to throw down as much helpful information as I possibly can. Maybe it'll help you. Maybe no one will ever read this. Whatever. At the very least I can comment on other people's blogs now.
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